Artist Delvene Cockatoo-Collins' work is inspired by the colours of the land

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Delvene doesn't just take inspiration from her island home, she uses the very pigments in the earth to make her creations.

Article and imagery courtesy of Homes to Love.

Artist Delvene Cockatoo Collins walks through the gentle morning light that falls across the Myora Springs on North Stradbroke Island then stops to greet a sleeping koala perched in the branches high above her head.

The Quandamooka woman has always had a deep connection to her land — Minjerribah — but the peace this strange year has afforded gave her a chance to rediscover it, and pay attention to things she might not normally look at.

"I base my walks on my activities on the seasons and the tides," she says.


September and October is the best time to go into the bush to see the wildflowers. High tide is prefect for some beaches, while low tide gives access to the mudflats, which provide a treasure trove of shells.

"Each of those different natural environments has its own energy and its own personality," she says.

To read the full article, interview with Delvene and all imagery please follow this link.

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